Biomass and biofuel

Belt scales and solid flow meters are two types of weighing systems that can be used in the biomass industry to measure the flow of material being transported on a conveyor belt. Both Dynascale belt weighers and Dynaflow solid flow meters are accurate and reliable options for biomass industry applications.



Why Dynascales?

Dynascale belt weighers use load cells to measure the weight of the material being transported on the conveyor belt. The load cells are connected to an integrator, which calculates the total weight of the material passing over the belt. Dynascale belt weighers are designed to operate in harsh environments and are suitable for measuring the flow of materials such as wood chips, pellets, and sawdust.

Dynaflow solid flow meters use a unique technology called “centriputal” to measure the flow of material. The system consists of one sensors that are mounted on a plate. Dynaflow solid flow meters are designed to measure the flow of difficult-to-measure materials such as small wood chips, pellets, dust, sawdust.

Both Dynascale belt weighers and Dynaflow solid flow meters are accurate and reliable options for measuring the flow of material in the biomass industry. The choice between the two systems will depend on the specific application and the type of material being transported. It is important to consider factors such as the particle size, moisture content, and flow rate of the material when selecting a weighing system.

If you have questions don’t hesitate to contact us!